While you can apply for the Non Lucrative Visa without professional assistance, this is not recommended – especially if you don’t speak Spanish.

As of 2021, the key Non-Lucrative Visa requirements are as follows:

  1. You’ll have to prove that you have sufficient economic means to support yourself and any dependents while living in Spain.

  2. Even though you don’t have to buy a property in Spain in order to qualify, you will be required to have a fixed address in the country.

  3. You’ll have to prove that you have a clean criminal record, both in your country of origin and country of current residence, if this is not the same place.

  4. You’ll have to obtain comprehensive Spanish health insurance, without any holding periods or co-payments

  5. You are not allowed to be in Spain illegally at the time of application.

  6. You are not allowed to apply if you’ve previously been banned from entry into the Schengen Area.

Simply complete the below contact form to request a consultation with an expert Spanish immigration professional.